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Get to Know Us!

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"No significant learning occurs without a significant relationship"

-James P. Comer



Vice Principal

Office Assistant


Office Assistant


School Nurse


School Psychologist


Instructional Coach


Education Specialist

Education Specialist

Yoshida, Chase

PE   Specialist

Music & Math   Specialist

Spanish Specialist

Art Specialist

TK Teacher

Kindergarten Teacher

Kindergarten Teacher

1st Grade   Teacher

1st Grade   Teacher

2nd & 3rd Grade   Teacher

Harris, Amanda

2nd & 3rd Grade   Teacher

2nd & 3rd Grade   Teacher

Math and Science   Teacher

4th & 5th Grade   Teacher

4th & 5th Grade   Teacher

4th & 5th    Grade  Teacher


6th Grade    Teacher

7th & 8th Grade   Teacher


7th & 8th Grade   Teacher

TBD Science

7th & 8th Grade   Teacher

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