There are so many ways
to show your love for SVA.
We hope you try them all!
The Academies CMO has been incorporated as a nonprofit 501(c)3 status organization
(Tax ID# 37-1638700), so donations are 100% tax deductible.
As a public charter school developed by parents, educators, and community members, your support is essential for Sycamore Valley Academy’s success. Your gifts of money, time, products, services, ideas, information, and talent, are all needed and greatly appreciated. Get started by reaching out to our administrative team, and we'll get right back to you!

It's no accident that SVA feels like a family. Rooted in our mission, this school is truly "a collaborative community of educators and families working together to help our students grow." There is mutual respect between our parent partners and our educator experts, as we recognize we are members of the same team. Parents, guardians, and even extended family members are regularly seen on campus volunteering or attending school events. We have an active and generous PTO (Parent-Teacher Organization) and we encourage our community members to come and share their talents or time with us.
Join the SVA Parent Teacher Organization (PTO) - SIGN UP
Our enthusiastic parents and guardians have formed a PTO to promote the school's mission and support the staff SVA. In past years, the SVA PTO has organized and run a successful Fall Carnival, a Jog-a-thon, a spring auction/dinner and many other fundraisers and events.
Become a Room Parent
Each classroom has two room parents who organize classroom parties and teacher appreciation activities.
Volunteer in a Classroom
Parents and guardians, grandparents, and interested community members are welcome to set up a regular time to volunteer in our classrooms!
Parent Partnering Opportunities
Attend Fall New Parent Orientation
Attend Back to School Night
Attend a Parent Workshop
Set up and fulfill a recurring, regular classroom volunteer time in your student’s class
Join PTO as a new member
Volunteer to become a PTO Officer
Participate in a fundraiser
Provide input at a Parent Forum and contribute to LCAP development
Complete tasks organized by the PTO
Attend PTO Meetings
Attend a meeting of the TACMO Board of Directors
Attend Parent-Teacher Conference
Participate as a Community Member/ Public Audience for Student Projects
Attend Student Performances
Other contributions of time for the benefit of the school
Attend Open House Event
Complete Annual Parent Satisfaction Survey
Other contributions of time for the benefit of the school