The MISSION of our school is to engage every student in a manner which cultivates growth and nurtures their curiosity, creativity, and talents. Our collaborative community empowers students to grow into self-directed thinkers and virtuous citizens, equipped with a love of learning and a love of life; eager to contribute their gifts to a better, more equitable world.
Our VISION: We create an inclusive community with access to rigorous and enriching educational experiences that challenge and support individuals to achieve their personal best and realize new opportunities.
LA MISIÓN de nuestra escuela es la de proveer una educación valiosa y significativa, en un ambiente enriquecedor, donde los estudiantes son alentados constantemente y su curiosidad natural, su creatividad y talentos pueden desarrollarse. Nuestra escuela es una comunidad colaborativa de educadores y familias trabajando juntos para ayudar a nuestros estudiantes a transformarse en ciudadanos inteligentes, virtuosos y valientes, dotados de amor por el aprendizaje, amor por la vida y deseosos de contribuir a un mundo mejor.
DECLARACIÓN DE VISIÓN: Las escuelas charter de The Academies modelan un cambio transformador en la educación, mediante la elevación de las expectativas de aprendizaje y crecimiento. Con firmeza de carácter, tenacidad y empatía, mejoramos el mundo que nos rodea, aceptando los desafíos como soluciones a problemas. Creamos una comunidad inclusiva con acceso a experiencias educativas rigurosas y enriquecedoras que desafían y apoyan a los individuos para alcanzar la excelencia individual y hacer realidad nuevas oportunidades.
As a result of receiving their K-8 education with us, our alumni will be...
Inquisitive & Critical Thinkers
Virtuous, Courageous & Intelligent Individuals
Self-motivated, Life-long Learners
Confident Leaders for the 21st Century
Creative & Effective Problem Solvers
Empowered Citizens in a Democratic Society
To achieve these desired learning outcomes, we borrow and merge the best ideas from well-respected educational traditions like Constructivism (including influences such as DeVries, Dewey, Froebel, Montessori, and Steiner) and the Classical Education Model.
Learn more about our Philosophical Influences here.
Sycamore Valley Academy (SVA) is a tuition-free, K-8 Visalia charter school that opened in August of 2012.
We offer a site-based, academically accelerated instructional program with project-based learning, differentiated/individualized instruction, multi-aged classrooms, and an enriched curriculum (including Spanish language, hands-on science, service-learning, and arts instruction) to support students who have the desire to work ahead or work deeper in their studies. Our constructivist educational philosophy and our gifted education program makes our school unique in the Visalia area.
Learn more about Charter Schools here!